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  • LIVE (Each):
    Pinky (<1") $1.69
    Fuzzy (1" - 1.5") $2.19
    Hopper (1.5" - 2") $2.49
    Adult (2" - 3") $3.49
    Jumbo (>3") $3.99

    FROZEN (Each):
    Pinky (<1") $1.39
    Fuzzy (1" - 1.5") $1.69
    Hopper (1.5" - 2") $1.99
    Adult (2" - 3") $2.99
    Jumbo (>3") $3.49

    FROZEN (Bulk):
    50PK Pinky (<1") $54.99
    50PK Fuzzy (1" - 1.5") $64.99
    50PK Hopper (1.5" - 2") $79.99
    25PK Adult (2" - 3") $64.99
    25PK Jumbo (>3") $69.99

  • LIVE (Each):
    Pinky (<2") $3.19
    Fuzzy (2" - 2.5") $4.19
    Pup (2.5" - 3.5") $4.49
    Weaning (3.5" - 4.5") $4.99
    Small (4.5" - 6") $5.99
    Medium (6" - 8") $6.99
    Large (8" - 9") $8.99
    Jumbo (9" - 11") $10.49
    Colossal (>11") $12.49

    FROZEN (Each):
    Pinky (<2") $2.99
    Fuzzy (2" - 2.5") $3.69
    Pup (2.5" - 3.5") $3.99
    Weaning (3.5" - 4.5") $4.49
    Small (4.5" - 6") $5.49
    Medium (6" - 8") $6.49
    Large (8" - 9") $8.49
    Jumbo (9" - 11") $9.99
    Colossal (>11") $11.99

    FROZEN (Bulk):
    50PK Pinky (<2") $124.99
    25PK Fuzzy (2" - 2.5") $74.99
    25PK Pup (2.5" - 3.5") $79.99
    20PK Weaning (3.5" - 4.5") $88.99
    15PK Small (4.5" - 6") $69.99
    10PK Medium (6" - 8") N/A
    5PK Large (8" - 9") N/A
    4PK Jumbo (9" - 11") N/A
    3PK Colossal (>11") N/A

    LIVE (Each):
    Fuzzy $3.99
    Male $9.99
    Female $14.99
    Juvenile $7.99

    FROZEN (Each):
    Fuzzy $3.49
    Juvenile $7.49
    Adult $9.49

  • FROZEN (Each):
    Chicken Chick $1.99
    Day Old Quail Chick $2.99
    Adult Quail $7.99
    Quail Eggs $7.99/dozen or $0.75 each

  • LIVE (Each):
    Pin-head (1/8") $0.12
    Small (1/4") $0.12
    Medium (1/2") $0.12
    Large (3/4") $0.12

  • LIVE:
    50CT Mealworms $3.99
    100CT Mealworms $7.99
    25CT Super Worms $4.99
    12CT Hornworms $16.99
    25CT Black Soldier Fly Larvae $4.99
    50CT Wax Worms $7.99

  • LIVE (Each):
    Small $0.18 each
    Medium $0.39 each
    Large $0.59 each

    50CT Large 15% off
    100CT Large 25% off

    Male $1.59
    Female $1.89

    Hydei $12.99
    Melanogaster $12.99
    Producing Cultures $18.99

    20CT $14.99
    40CT $21.99

  • Adult Rabbit - $6.00/pound
    Rabbit Pinky - $3.99/pound
    Ground Rabbit - $11.99/pound
    Feeder Pig - $5.99/pound


A healthy diet is a key component of keeping your pets happy and healthy. We offer a wide variety of fresh and frozen feeders to take care of your reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. If you aren't sure what you need for your animal, just ask our staff. You can also find feeding tips on our CARE SHEETS for common species.

Feeder Mice
Feeder Worms
Frozen Feeders
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