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  • • Tank – 40-75 Gallon
    • Substrate – 36qt
    • Digital Thermometer
    • Heat Lamp and Bulb
    • UVB Lighting – linear tube or combined with heating in a
    mercury vapor bulb
    • Shallow Dish for Vegetables
    • Ceramic Bowl for Insects
    • Basking Perch – large
    branch, rock, hammock, or a combination of décor items
    to allow the dragon to perch
    near its basking light
    • Calcium Supplement

  • Bearded Dragons require large amounts of floor space in their terrariums. A 40-gallon tank is the minimum size required for an adult. A 75-gallon is a more ideal adult size but can be too large to house a small baby.

  • We recommend all dragons be kept on a loose substrate to allow for digging and a more naturalistic environment. Coconut fiber, Reptisoil, calcium free sand, and Bio Dude Terra Sahara are all suitable options.

  • Bearded Dragons need a hot basking site that reaches 100-120 degrees and a cooler area between 78-80 degrees. No night heat is required. They require UVB lighting for proper calcium absorption. UVB lighting should be delivered in the form of a mercury vapor bulb or linear style 10.0 UVB tube.

    Turn all lighting off each night. Linear tube UVB lighting should be replaced yearly, the light may still work but the UVB output does dissipate over time.

  • Bearded Dragons do not require a water bowl. Young dragons can be soaked once a week for 5-10 minutes in lukewarm water.

  • Bearded Dragons feed on a variety of insects (all insects should be fed live) and vegetables- see feeder brochure.

    Bearded Dragons require fresh food daily. Under the age of 2 their diet will consist mostly of insects. A young dragon should be given 15-20 live insects daily. We recommend daily veggies for babies as well. An adult dragon should be offered vegetables daily, and insects only 3 times a week.
    Remove any uneaten food each night from your pet’s enclosure.
    Calcium supplements should be added to the live insects 2-3 times a week.

  • A large basking site should be provided, such as a piece of driftwood or rock. Allow the dragon to get within 8-10 inches of its basking light.

  • Spot clean your dragon’s habitat daily to remove any feces, urates, shed skin, or uneaten food.
    Substrate should be fully changed every 6 months unless a bioactive setup is being used.

  • Bearded Dragons are among the few lizards that tolerate handling. It’s best to gently scoop up the dragon, opposed to grabbing them, as this can startle them. Try to evenly distribute the weight of the dragon across your hands and arms and support their body and legs. Take care not to let any of their body dangle freely. Babies and juveniles can jump, so hold these in the terrarium, low to the ground, or over a table or counter.

    One of the most common health issues in all reptiles, especially Bearded Dragons, is MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease.) This usually occurs when they are deprived of proper lighting and supplementation and fed a poor diet.
    Impaction is another health complication, usually due to improper substrate coupled with lack of adequate heat. With proper heating and substrate styles impaction should not occur in a healthy dragon.

Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragons inhabit dry scrublands and grasslands of Australia. They spend much of their time basking on rocks, branches, and even fence-posts of ranches and rural homes. 
They eat a variety of insects, small mammals, and vegetation. 
Bearded Dragons are very territorial lizards and use a combination of displays to settle disputes with other dragons, including head bobbing and arm waving. 
When threatened they puff out their spiky “beards” to appear larger and more intimidating. If this fails they make a hasty retreat. 

Size: 18-24 inches
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Diet: Omnivore
Care Level: Beginner
Temperament: Docile
Activity: Diurnal

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